Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Poplar Market Fun!

As many of you know, over the past few weeks I have been busy getting things together for the Poplar Market. Last Saturday was the big day and I am so thrilled to say it was a huge success! I thought I would share some pictures from the day of the market. But first as a background, the Poplar Market is a vintage and handmade market held once a year by the Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts (A.S.I.A). Donations and proceeds go towards supporting students of A.S.I.A. How cool!? Approximately 1100 people came out to support the one day market.

Here are some photos from our booth:

One of our main products were these really fun tillandsia aerium globes!

We also made these really cool wall mount coke vases.

 Here's Jenn, my sister and business partner. We were really pleased with how the booth came together.

Some of the other goodies!

 One of my favourite offerings were the succulent wreaths - naturally.

We ended the day with only a few items left and a great day of fun to be remembered. Thanks for everyone who came out to support us. And sorry for the blogging hiatus during the last weeks.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

the palm count

Yesterday my friend Loree at danger garden issued an official agave count. From one "planty" person to the next I understand the sentiment. She issued a challenge knowing how my love of palms reflects her agave buying habits, so today I thought I would share an official palm count.

The palms started collecting in 2006. And to tell you the truth, I didn't have any idea just how many had accumulated.

In the backyard:
1 Trachycarpus wagnerianus

7 Trachycarpus fortunei

1 Phoenix Canariensis

1 Butia Capitata
Plus: 2 Sabal Palmetto
1 Sabal Minor
1 Chamaerops humilis
1 Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera'

Did I mention I've only planted the backyard with palms? I think that leaves room for another 15 or so?